The 16th Annual RSHM Palm Beach Luncheon for Alumnae and Friends was held at the Old Marsh Golf Club in Palm Gardens on Thursday, February 6, 2020. Sixty-nine Alumnae and friends attended the event. Sister Maureen Kelleher, RSHM was present in representation of Sister Catherine Patten. She shared the overview of RSHM today that Sister Catherine delivered in Naples the week before.
Sister Mary Alice Young presented the recently published book about the chapel renovation to the Chairs and Co-Chairs of the 16 Luncheons. All were present! Special thanks was given to Babetta Paterno Ferris, the current Chair. Sam Stanton brought the day to a close, thanking those present for the support they have given the RHSM over the years and with a request to continue partnering with the current and projected needs of the Eastern American Province. It was a spirited and informative time for all!