Notes of Gratitude to the RSHM

I am sending these words of thanks to you remarkable women, whom I have admired and tried to emulate for oh, so many years! My 4 years of college at Marymount in Arlington and in Tarrytown certainly were so fruitful – that I am certain those years with the guidance of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary formed the remaining years of my life and have given me examples of how to share whatever gifts God has bestowed on me.
And, now in these far advanced years of my life, I have been given the gift of the Extended Family circle and being part of the Core Committee, and knowing our shared bond of the Sacred Heart of Mary – and so closely following the precepts brought forth by Pere Gailhac.
These words of thanks are meaningless without our continuation of the examples you have set for us, so please know how appreciated you are!
With love from Alberta D’Aloia Wort