Cormaria Retreat Center recently expanded its program offerings to include a film series and discussion hosted by Father Larry Lewis, MM.
Watching a quality film about life in all of its complexity and wonder is a treat for anyone. Watching that film with a group of people and then discussing it together compounds the pleasure. We all watch the same film through different eyes, hearts, minds, and souls. We come to the film with different life experiences. Listening to each other’s appreciation of the film reveals how diverse we are and how much we enrich each other. Allow a work of art to keep you open and curious about life.
The theme for this first film series is “Disruption Invites Connection.” Artists and spiritual writers throughout millennia remind us of the fear and insecurity that come when life slices into our plans. We try to keep at bay that life holds no guarantees. We mistake faith in God with our need to feel secure and we expect faith to give us peace and stability. When suffering, love, terror, or joy disrupts our lives, with time we can turn to God, who through the disruption, reveals the Mystery of life through death. With time, we begin to let go of the tight control we have on life and stretch toward the other and The Other. Gradually, we die to isolation and realize anew that connection to others reveals God in our everyday lives. The decision to risk openness or to remain closed in upon ourselves is ours to make. Come, enjoy, and reflect on our faith through the art of film.
Film and discussion are held monthly on Wednesday evenings from 7 pm to 9 pm. Following is a list of the films that will be shown:
- October 25 The Road Home
- November 29 To Leslie
- December 20 Lars and the Real Girl
- January 24 The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
- February 21 Secrets and Lies
- March 20 The Station Agent
- April 24 Shower
- May 15 As It is in Heaven
Please note: There is no charge. You can attend all, some, or just one evening. However, space is limited, so we ask that you reserve your space ahead of time by calling 631-725-4206.