Ash Wednesday – God Can’t Count, But We Can and Do!
March 5 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm EST
Offering – Lunch included
Thomas Merton defined Original Sin as “our need to know how we’re doing,” which makes our relationship with God a kind of scorecard. As we enter the Lenten Season, we remember what Jesus said to Marjory Kemp: “More pleasing to me than all your prayers, all your penances, and all your good works… is that you would believe that I love you.”
Join us for a day of prayer and silence as we begin the s sacred season of Lent. Morning and afternoon conferences will address the day’s theme. There will be time available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our day together includes lunch and concludes with Mass and the distribution of ashes.
To register, please call 631-725-4206 or email