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Joined in prayer

“Ask, and you will receive. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened to you. For the one who asks, receives. The one who seeks, finds. The one who knocks, enters.”

MT. 7:7–8
priest laying hands on sister's head, flanked by two staff members during Healing Mass in chapel
Healing Mass celebrated at Butler Memorial Chapel

Each day, the RSHM who are active in ministry and those who are retired continue to seek to know and love God and make God known and loved. We ask you for your prayers for strength, guidance, and wisdom that we live out the mission to which God has called each of us. We also invite you to join us in prayer. Mass is held daily at 11:30 am in the Butler Memorial Chapel in the Marymount Convent, and at 11 am on Sundays. You are invited to join us in person, or virtually on our website.

Prayer of the Institute

Three women standing in front of statue of Blessed Mother outdoors. One is holding a microphone up to another who is speaking.
Celebrating the May Crowning of Mary

Father and Mother of infinite love
We praise you!
Help us to assume our commitment of fidelity to the mission of Christ in the Church of today as it leads the way in defense of the oppressed.
Make us sensitive to the needs of your people.
Mark us with the fidelity of Gailhac.
May our presence be a constant revelation of love and joy as was Mary’s Woman of faith and hope.
Make us grow, Lord, in true zeal, capable of transforming the world.
May our hearts discover you in the Scriptures in the breaking of bread and in the service of others.
Strengthened and united in love we want as individuals, and as an Institute, to be a testimony to the world that you are Father and that we are brothers and sisters in your Son, Jesus Christ.


Join Us in Prayer

Monthly Prayer Intention

Please join us in praying for the following intentions this month: for all those who have requested prayers through our Institute website.


Join us for Mass and special prayer services in person, or via website or Facebook. Mass is held daily, Monday – Saturday at 11:30 am and at 11:00 am on Sundays, at the Butler Memorial Chapel in the Marymount Convent.


Join a retreat at Cormaria if you’re looking for spiritual renewal, growth and healing. There are a number of programs throughout the year.

Let Us Pray for You

Sisters standing in chapel in prayer

The Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary bring to prayer the needs of the world and the concerns of our families, collaborators, and friends. The ministry of prayer offered by our sisters is a valued part of our sisters’ lives, especially in our retirement communities.

If you would like for us to pray for your intentions, please complete the following form. We send your requests to sisters who will honor them in their daily prayer and Eucharistic liturgy.

Prayer Request
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